Alfred, the personification of the United States of America, is a diligent worker. A lot of the other nations tend to undermine his ability as a hard worker, however, he does his best at getting things done as needed. Sure, he may have very absurd ideas; but he knows that other nations don't really agree with them. He usually tries to be a very fair and respectful nation. But sometimes he has to act with a heavy hand. Does he like it? No, not one bit. But being part of a powerful committee in the United Nations sometimes begs him to display just how much authority he possesses. The rather egocentric 24-year old does exactly just that, the moment he loses his journal and cracks down on the personifications responsible for snooping around for it. ' ' ' It's about time, I'm officially remaking this story! And with much better flow of content as well as a story plot that won't swerve for far too long in an otherwise unnecessary plot. Let's see how this goes :)All Rights Reserved