In eager anticipation, six friends gathered to watch the Netflix series "Sweet Home." However, when they hit play, a blinding light engulfed them, transporting them into the show's terrifying world. Now, they must survive its horrors and find a way home. Unexpectedly, they discover they've gained an RPG system, granting them skills and experience like video game characters. As they navigate the dangers, they must rely on each other and their newfound abilities to unravel the mysteries of their predicament and escape back to reality.
Neon and Kira are foster sisters who just moved to Tokyo, Japan with Kira's parents. Now the two girls have to start at a new school and make new friends. Little do they know there was something very different about them, they discover they have magical powers. While Neon and Kira learn about their powers, but they also face a problem with their gifts. They have to learn how to keep their powers a secret from everyone, while on top of that there is a special police force to protect normal humans from people who possess these magical powers of any kind. If there is anyone found that they possess such power will be arrested or worse killed. Neon and Kira have to learn to control their powers while keeping them a secret. As the girls learn how use their powers they will learn more about themselves and their past, especially Neon's. They will have to face new enemies and making the choice to use their powers for good or evil.