22 parts Ongoing In A Chance Encounter, Mia, a talented graphic designer, finds herself at a crossroads between two captivating men: Lucas, an aspiring writer with a charming smile, and Jake, the charismatic barista who lights up her favorite café. As she navigates the ups and downs of love, friendship, and self-discovery, Mia learns that following her heart isn't always straightforward. A series of misadventures-including a coffee shop mishap and a vibrant art exhibition-push her to confront her true feelings. With the support of her best friend and the backdrop of the city's artistic landscape, Mia embarks on a journey of creativity and connection. As she ultimately discovers where her heart truly lies, she finds that sometimes, the most unexpected encounters can lead to the sweetest romances. This lighthearted rom-com is a celebration of love, art, and the beauty of embracing the unknown.