Ellia Bancroft was a British girl living in Anaheim, California. now, she would admit that the crowded and public scene of the area was too much for her, but she owned a coffee shop, and she loved it. so, she would never leave even if it meant winning the lottery. she was well off, having 3 branches in Cali total, but she wasn't rich like a millionaire, she could just afford to miss work sometimes and still be able to pay rent. but, she loved work, even if she had to deal with right cunts trying to hit on her or treat her like shit. but, aside from the point, she owned this coffee shop, and because one customer came in, it would change her entire life.
9 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte Erwachseneninhalt
9 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
Edit: Hi, this is more present day Elle. Not the past Elle that wrote this. I would like to thank you for reading, however I must warn you. I reread this earlier and was a bit grossed out that I thought it was a good plot. Past Elle tried so I'm proud of her for that but I do find it discusting. If you would like to continue reading, thank you. I appreciate you. However, if you decide to leave, I respect that, I would too.
I'm leaving this one up and not deleting it because it will be fun later to compare how much my writing has improved as well as my covers. I did update the cover to one that looks a bit better.
Thank you for reading. Have an amazing night or day wherever you are!
Elia Peirce (El-ee-uh Peers) 24
Nickname: El
She was constantly misunderstood. People would look for a millisecond and assume the worst things possible. It was bad everywhere but most at work. Mostly with her boss.
Caden Malcolm (Kay-din Mal-come) 25
Nickname: Cade
His father died when he was 19. Since he was legally an adult and only child, he inherited his father's very successful company. Malcolm Co. did anything and everything. Caden is careful around everyone especially his PA. That is until...
WARNING: May contain some smexy scenes 😏
Definitely will contain swearing. Probably alot of it.
Go away if you don't like that stuff, but have a nice night or day wherever you are😘