In this heartwarming tale of friendship and romance, we meet Hailey, a young woman who finds herself falling for her longtime friend, John B. However, Hailey has been secretly harboring feelings for John B, unsure of how to express them.
To cope with her growing emotions, Hailey develops a unique habit. She starts wearing a rubber band on her wrist and snaps it every time thoughts of John B cross her mind or whenever she sees him. It becomes her little secret, a way to channel her feelings and keep them hidden from John B and the world.
One day, Hailey's mischievous brother catches wind of her secret crush. Always up for a challenge, he dares Hailey to gather the courage to confess her feelings to John B before the rubber band breaks. With the added pressure, of her family moving out of the Outer Banks in ten days, Hailey realizes that time is running out to reveal her true emotions.
As Hailey navigates the complexities of her blossoming friendship with John B, she grapples with the fear of jeopardizing their bond. The rubber band becomes a ticking clock, a visual reminder of the limited time she has to take a leap of faith and share her feelings.
Will Hailey gather the courage to tell John B how she truly feels before it's too late ?
Started : April 13 2024
Published : August 4 2024
Finished : August 14 2024