What happens when a villain is willing to throw away everything in order to achieve their goal? Willing to throw away their future, any chance of living a normal life, or even their very humanity?
Only the vilest of villains ever dare to step close to this line that should never be crossed, and All For One is not shy to wear this crown in front of any hero he faces. A man who should've died long ago. A man who should've never came to be. A man who would make even death himself shudder at the mere mention of his name.
The Forest Training Camp should've been a place of improving one's self and their quirk, a learning experience for all the students in Class 1-A and 1-B. It should've been nothing but beneficial to the heroes-in-training, nothing should've gone wrong. But /everything/ did go wrong.
Even after the initial attack from the League of Villains, and after Izuku defeats Muscular to save Kota, the students were winning this battle despite the many injuries sustained. That is, until the villains get a hold of Katsuki and Tokoyami. Izuku and the others were able to free Tokoyami but Katsuki was now being pulled back into the villain's portal and despite all of the pain shooting through Izuku and the alarm bells ringing through his head, his body moved.
He manages to free Katsuki at the last second but he pays the highest price; he is captured by the League instead.
From there on, Izuku refuses to break, unrelenting in his disinterest in the villains and refusing to release One For All. However, things become dire when a strange man shows up and promises him he would soon wish he wasn't the one they captured.
Story Status: Ongoing
Started on: Sept. 20, 2024