This was the day most adults dreaded, reaping day. Unless you were a Directioner, you'd dread this day too. This was the year of the Directioners. I see you probably are very, very confused as to what i'm talking about, so i'll sum it up for you. Every year it's like the Hunger Games, except you're not competing for your life. You're competing for their love. Last year it was Josh Hutcherson's year, the year before was Demi Lovato's turn. Basically you have many fans go into the arena to compete to be the boy/girl's girlfriend/boyfriend. It depended on the gender of the person you're competing for. This year it was One Direction's turn. This was going to be the tenth annual Love Games. Corny sounding name right? I know, it's almost as bad as the Bachelor/Bachelorette. Anyway you had to go through these challenges to get to the finale, in which the boy's of One Direction picked who they liked best. This year ten girls from each time zone, except Alaska and Hawaii they had five girls each. Fifty girls went into the arena, only ten could be in the finale, and five lucky girls would win the chance to be with a member of One Direction.