In an era marked by epochal changes on Earth, two peoples, the Grounders and the People of the Sky, face each other in an endless war. Lexa, the relentless leader of the Grounders, and Clarke, the determined leader of the People of the Sky, find themselves at the center of this conflict. Between them grows a forbidden love, but tensions and political manipulations threaten to destroy their bond.
Lexa embodies the strength and wisdom of the earth, while Clarke represents the ingenuity and determination of the sky. Despite their differences, their love defies conventions and hostilities that surround them. However, their relationship is undermined by the cunning and ambitions of Lexa, who uses their bond to consolidate the power of the Grounders.
Clarke, unaware of Lexa's true intentions, finds herself torn between the love she feels for her and the awareness of her deceptions. As war rages around them, they must navigate betrayals and dangers, hoping that their love can withstand the storms that threaten them.
Amid political intrigues and bloody battles, Lexa and Clarke must find a way to unite their peoples and protect their forbidden love. But with tensions mounting and the war intensifying, their fate is more uncertain than ever. Only time will tell if they will survive the challenges that await them and find the peace they both desire, for their peoples and for their forbidden love.
Athena De Santis ragazza di 21, ha un sogno, la musica. Lei é cresciuta con la musica, senza questa lei non riuscirebbe a vivere.
Testarda, competitiva e orgogliosa, ma anche dolce e solare quando vuole. Impareremo a conoscerla, e anche Vybes lo farà! Un ragazzo di 21anni che scoprirà di avere molte cose in comune con la nostra protagonista...
Autore: CIAOOO prima storia che scrivo su amici, non so bene come mi muoverò ma spero comunque di riuscire a cavarmela.
Cosa pensate della nuova classe di amici???
Comunque spero che la storia potrà piacervi🎸🎧🖤