Amelia Berry was Alison Dilaurentis' favorite person before she mysteriously went missing. Amelia and Alison's friendship was more genuine than any of Alison's other friendships. They were secretly in love. Amelia moved away when Alison went missing, but moved back to Rosewood around the same time as Aria Montgomery. Alison's disappearance and 'death' hit Amelia the hardest. Amelia copes with her grief with music and the arts. She tries to keep herself busy. One day, she got a message from A and spoke to Spencer Hastings, Aria Montgomery, Hanna Marin, and Emily Fields about it, for which they told her what they knew and they all became friends. Amelia began to receive messages from a different 'A' character however, this 'A' was sweeter to Amelia and often gave her gifts. Amelia can tell the difference between the threatening 'A' and the other 'A' by the fact that the loving 'A' always puts a <3 behind their messages while the threatening 'A' doesn't. Who is this 'A <3'? Why are they so kind to Amelia? Why is 'A' after Amelia?All Rights Reserved