The beer spilled a bit on Nunew's chin and it dripped down his neck. Nunew saw Zee gulped hard making him smile again. He put his bottle down and leaned towards the table again as his foot starts playing with his groin. Zee looked down on his lap, Nunew's foot is pressing on his dick. He closed his eyes and breathed in deep. When he opened them, he saw that Nunew is directly looking at him with a naughty smirk on his face. Zee looked away as he bites his lip. This man is really testing him. Zee then decided to play the game too. He let his hand roam on Nunew's ankle. It travelled towards his calf and started caressing it. He raised an eyebrow at Nunew as if to say that he's returning the favor. Nunew licks his lower lip as he gives Zee a hard stare. The two are in their own world. They're not talking but their faces show everything what needs to be said. Their touches show the tension that they both feel in the air. But as the two were too engrossed in teasing each other, Gems who is at the end of the table suddenly shouted. "OH MY GOD THEY'RE PLAYING FOOTSIES!"All Rights Reserved