15 parts Ongoing In the intricate web of relationships between Candice Abbey, Archer Stewards, and Kevin, an unforeseen twist emerges when Candice finds herself falling for Kevin, completely unaware of Archer's hidden affection for her. Archer, adept at concealing her true emotions, continued to play the role of a childhood friend, although harboring a secret love for Candice.
As Candice's crush on Kevin intensified, Archer grappled with the inner turmoil of unrequited love. It was a delicate situation where Archer couldn't openly express her feelings, and Candice remained oblivious to the depth of emotions brewing within her.
As the story unfolded, the challenge for the two girls was to confront their feelings and redefine the boundaries of their relationships. The journey ahead promised unexpected twists, emotional discoveries, and the potential for love to emerge from the most unsuspecting corners of their intertwined lives.