In the undying world of Etern, a land where death is but a distant fable, Vincent Cecil is born. Here, no disease plagues their perfect bodies, lost limbs regenerate within days, and the ravages of age never touch them.
Yet, the people of Etern have strayed into darkness, their hearts consumed by greed, malice, and corruption. In this world, the true essence of life has been completely forsaken.
As he passes through the halls of learning, truths begin to reveal themselves - not of lessons from weathered scrolls, but of a cancerous darkness coiled at the heart of Etern's governance. This mastermind cares not about the lives of those he governs.
Upon graduation, his heart aflame with a resolve no soul in Etern has kindled in centuries, Vincent Cecil sets forth on a perilous quest. He will delve into the darkest depths of his world, seeking to confront this mastermind in hopes of eliminating the darkness along with it's source.
His path will be fraught with trials. Powerful foes, born from this corrupted eternity, will seek to extinguish his flames. Betrayal and deceit may dog his steps.
But he carries something they do not - the fading memory of what Etern was meant to be. And fueled by this dwindling light, he will either ignite change... or fall to the relentless darkness.