The Biblical God created Sacred Gears during the early days of humanity, their purpose being to balance the power between humans and supernatural beings, such as Angels, Devils, and Fallen Angels...
Each Sacred Gear is infused with unique abilities, some of which can change the fate of the world...
That's when the supernatural encountered an evil like no other...
In a last ditch effort before their deaths, the original Devils kings created a guardian to protect their people from certain annihilation.
Following the creation of this guardian, the Fallen Angels and God created their own guardians to protect life in the human realm...
After the war for all life, the guardians became dormant and sealed themselves away to one day serve their purpose again...
With the beauty the ocean holds, one can't get away from it that easily. Being attached to what's beneath or above waters, Captain Hendrix, a young female captain was asked to take a long leave from her father who hadn't seen her for years, and finally, his request had been accepted- As wonderful as that news may have been for him, who would've expected the captain to encounter the woman that had brought great annoyance toward her during one night in Las Vegas again?
"Your beautiful wife's here!" What a nuisance indeed.