"Crimson Oath" is a gripping tale that follows the journey of two brothers, Akuma and Akira, as they navigate a world haunted by tragedy and secrets. Struggling to cope with the trauma of losing their parents and beloved sister, Akuma is consumed by a thirst for vengeance, convinced that their deaths were no mere accident but a sinister plot against powerful magicians like themselves. Determined to protect his remaining family, Akuma embarks on a quest to become the strongest magician in their town and joins a group dedicated to hunting down crimson veilers . However, as Akuma delves deeper into this dangerous world, he discovers that his brother harbors hidden powers of his own, and dark truths begin to unravel about their past. Faced with the choice between loyalty to his family and the pursuit of justice, Akuma must confront his own inner demons and unravel the mysteries that shroud their family's legacy. "Crimson Oath" is a tale of love, loss, and the enduring bonds of brotherhood, set against a backdrop of magic, intrigue, and betrayal.