Exista pe internet si mai ales pe aceasta platforma multe povestiri despre acest joc dar nu vad prea multe care sa includa o poveste efectiva, majoritatea fiind one-shot-uri, si mai ales nu gasesc nimic in romana. Desi sunt tentat sa scriu varianta in engleza mai intai nu pot sa nu spun ca target audience-ul meu sunt, in mare parte, romanii, desi voi traduce fiecare capitol in engleza (pentru vorbitorii de romana vor exista si cateva bonusuri cel mai probababil). Acum am cam terminat cu descrierea efectiva a cartii si de ce o scriu. cartea este despre un OC numit Cristi si nu planuiesc sa apara romance. cititi si spuneti-va parerea. daca doriti!
There are many stories about this game on the internet and especially on this platform, but I don't see many that include a literal story, most of them being one-shots, and especially I can't find anything in Romanian. Although I am tempted to write the version in English first, I can't not say that my target audience is, for the most part, Romanians, although I will translate each chapter into English (for Romanian speakers there will probably be some bonuses) . Now I'm pretty much finished with the actual description of the book and why I'm writing it. This is about an OC named Cristi and I am not planning on writing romance. read and please tell me what you think about it! (for english edition, please note that English is not my first language and there may appear mistakes, you can totally correct me for my exprimation and such if i made a mistake.)
Продолжение с 16 арки
Система 7480 была завоевана своим хозяином и стала рабом другой стороны. Но это не имеет значения, 7480, который может выбрать путешествие по миру самостоятельно, имеет тысячи видов сценариев миссий, чтобы убить хозяина, чтобы избавиться от участи быть под контролем. Слабак, неспособный связать курицу? Отлично, посылаю вас в апокалипсис! Несколько лет спустя слабый цыпленок превратил апокалипсис в новый мир с процветающими технологиями.