In this gripping narrative, the protagonist, Aaria, finds herself entrapped in a web of deceit and manipulation, where she is merely a pawn in the twisted games orchestrated by those around her. As the villains of her story reveal themselves, Aaria is faced with a harrowing decision: to align herself with a duplicitous psychopath or a seemingly kind-hearted lover. The intricate dynamics of power and control play out against the backdrop of Aaria's tumultuous emotions and precarious circumstances, drawing the reader into a world where trust is a luxury and betrayal lurks at every turn. Through a series of suspenseful twists and turns, the reader is plunged into a captivating tale of survival, resilience, and ultimately, the strength of the human spirit. Join Aaria on her journey as she navigates the treacherous path laid out before her, ultimately discovering the depths of her own courage and determination. Prepare to be enthralled as you unravel the mystery of Aaria's fate and the choices that will shape her destiny. ______________________________________ I thought you were the one who also fell but instead you put me through hell For you I opened my own personal shell but instead u put me in a prison cell I felt you were the one cuz you made my heart run Talking with you was fun but it ended up being done Please don't make me fall in love with you again only for you to break my heart once again I was happy that we met but you made me regret that day you left me on read and alone to fred, made me cry to death I wished to have an end with joy filled spring and sunny afternoons but all I got was lonely winter nights and tear filled monsoons you were two faced but I fell for the sweet manipulator ______________________________________All Rights Reserved