Title: The Opposite (show scenario)
"In that barren desert, destinies weave two paths, from which man chooses one, thus the desert blooms, until reaching the final thread where the path ends, leaving the desert as the fabric of fate before the knot of conclusion."
Idea: A person acquires the ability to see dreams laden with enigmatic clues about the murder or destruction of individuals in his vicinity. He, along with his friends, embarks on a journey to decipher the mysteries of these dreams in an attempt to aid those in peril.
Story: Omar, Sureya, Reem, and Hussam share an academic excursion in the same high school. However, more than just studies and exams bind them together as a dark shadow of murder casts its pall over their lives. After encountering this crime, everything takes a dramatic turn when Omar discovers his ability to see dreams filled with puzzles foretelling the destruction of an unknown individual. The friends unite resolutely to unravel the enigmas of this terrifying dream and to rescue the unknown victim amidst questions about their identity and dark fate. Within the folds of this adventure lies the mystery of Omar's connection to all that unfolds.
Time Period: Present day
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Suspense, Social, Crime