This book is created specifically to aid others who may be struggling with problems and think they cannot reach out to others, at least in real life. If you submit your problem or struggle and I do not respond within a long time period, do not worry or be alarmed. I did not ignore your comment. The most likely reason that I will not post is because my parents would block safari from my device, unallowing me to post for the few that may read this.
I will not be giving love/romance/sex advice for two reasons.
1: I am eleven years old, not old enough to be in a romantic relationship of any kind.
2: I am aero/ace, and I do not feel any romantic love for anyone, so I cannot describe what it feels like.
You may send a few problems, but not too many overall and not more than one difficulty in a message. I cannot work as fast as Rainbow Dash, so be patient with me as well, please and thank you.
Do not give me any very private information, as it can be used by people who do not have good intentions. Never give away private information about yourself or those close/around you. Please describe your feelings to me, but do not reveal anything about who you are, not even your looks or name, as that can still be used against you.
Also, I would like to say that I will be giving out just small little snippets of advice once in a while cause I get board easily ☺️
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