In the adrenaline-fueled world of professional car racing, Alpha Landon McCoy, a seasoned veteran with a heart of gold, finds himself facing his greatest challenge yet when Jackson Blaze, an "Alpha", and a cocky young rookie with an unhealthy obsession and apparent displeasure for Landon, bursts onto the scene. Despite Landon's experience, Jackson dominates the track, jeopardizing the veteran's career with each race.
Reluctant to retire, Landon hesitantly agrees when an obsessive Jackson offers to tone it down so he can secure a win. In exchange, Jackson only wants one thing: Landon, or more precisely, the veteran's body. Landon isn't too fazed; he gets to keep doing what he loves while crazy Jackson enjoys his little power-play gimmick-because surely that's what this is all about for the rookie. They are both Alphas. What could go wrong?
DISCLAIMER: This is a non-graphic MPreg MxM story, and involves a character with borderline toxic obsession.
Inspired by: Pixar Cars + PitBabe
- wordcount: 61,000+
| First Draft |
• LGBTQ Action | Romance
Sam's senior year at Ravendale, a mixed school for humans and furs was going to be different, he was sure of it, why else would he move schools right?
Left on the sidelines at his old school where his classmates constantly told him "gays don't play football", Sam dreams he can one day make the team, after all, he is a good player.
His dreams soon come crashing down when Eric, one of the jocks on the team, reminds him sports are a mans game, and not for people like him, that is until the team coach asks Sam to join the football team.
Playing with a team of 10 straight guys what could possibly wrong? especially when you have a crush on Jackson the team captain, who just so happens to be the most popular boy in school!