Join Raido, a young Pokémon enthusiast from the tranquil town of New Bark in the Johto region, as he embarks on the adventure of a lifetime on his thirteenth birthday. Eager to follow in the footsteps of his older brother Domuno, Raido dreams of becoming a Pokémon Trainer and forging unbreakable bonds with his Pokémon companions.
But when Raido's long-awaited birthday present turns out to be an unexpected surprise-a timid female Nidoran instead of the fiery male Nidoran he had always imagined-his excitement gives way to disappointment. Not only that, but a mysterious and cryptic gift from Raido's estranged Father also leads him to believe that he's destined for something more than the norm. With an unexpected partner, and a menacing and sinister organisation hatching schemes, Raido must find the courage to embrace this new beginning and discover the true power of friendship and determination.
As Raido navigates the challenges of training his new Pokémon partner and facing off against formidable opponents, he learns valuable lessons about perseverance, loyalty, and the unbreakable bond between Trainer and Pokémon. With the support of his friends, family, and the Pokémon by his side, Raido embarks on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and adventure across the vibrant landscapes of the Johto region.
Follow Raido's journey as he battles Gym Leaders, encounters legendary Pokémon, and unravels the mysteries of the Pokémon world, all while striving to become the greatest Pokémon Trainer Johto has ever seen. "Pokemon: A Tale Of Time (Raido's Adventure)" is a tale of courage, determination, and the extraordinary power of friendship in the face of adversity.
Ash Ketchum is a boy who Dream to become a Explorer Master he also lives in Altomare of Canal Town with his little sister Molly and and his big sister Bianca his grandfather Lorenzo his childhood best playful friends Latios and Latias and his mother Delia and he also can understand Pokémon decides to go on a journey wanting to see how many Pokemon Explorers are out there while trying to figure out why he can speak to them when no one else can
And Ash's past flashbacks as a pikachu In the voice of Life World and his best friends Oshawott Emolga Virizion Dunsparce Umbreon Espeon Keldeo Cobalion Terrakion And Hydreigon talks to Ash.
And the emotional story of Ash is more kind and calm the story begins after the events of pokemon mystery dungeon gates to infinity game.
my first rank of gatestoinfinity
K+ story
Disclaimer: I Dont Pokemon. If i did this would lead the events of gates to infinity.