30. It Never Comes From An Enemy
My last handful of short stories are a little less grand than some of the others I've written. I think its valuable to practice using a variety of scales, at least that's what they say in architecture. Nevertheless, writing down to earth, human stories, is always interesting due to how well we can relate to them and how horrify the acts real people commit are. The death of a million people is hard to imagine, but the betrayal of a friend, the torture of an innocent? How tragic those deeds are, though they are so very small in comparison.
The short story itself was inspired by multiple quotes actually. It started with one prompt like all the others but I heard several more over the course of the month and used them to help humanise the characters a bit. It can be hard to pull off with so few words but I hope I at least got close. I'll only get closer the more I try, so I have my future works to look forward to.
30. You've tasted the fruits of treachery and found them bitter. Don't drag me into your ruin. You're on your own, brother. "Jaghatai khan, Warhammer 40k"