M - ystefying, Y - earning, S - inister, T - actical, E - lusive, R - avishing, I - infernal, E - ntwined, S - erene.
Each chapter will feature a different standalone story, since I'm having a hard time finishing my ongoing mystery story, so I'll focus on these one-shots for now.
I also mixed up the genres, but the mysteries within won't be vanish. There would be possibly a romance/mystery, detective fiction, if you're a thrill seeker, it'd be better.
Content warning: Sexual harassment, Psychological distress, Gorey scene, Suicide, Depression, Rape.
When Saru finds out about her twin sister's mysterious suicide, she assumes her sister's identity to uncover the truth.
Saru Sumiyaya lived a tough life, dropping out of college to work to support her alcoholic father. When her mother calls to inform her that her twin sister, Sari, has taken her own life, she races back to her hometown in disbelief. While in her sister's room grappling with her death, Saru comes across a blue journal containing an ancient word she had taught Sari a long time ago, "Kahimanawari" meaning "kahit man lang kung maaari" or "hoping to happen." Saru realizes the journal contains Sari's wishes. While in Manila to inform Sari's university about her death, Saru encounters Taisei, a friend of Sari's who is convinced that Sari is the victim of the Suicide Virus, a case Sari had been working on before she died. Saru assumes Sari's identity, vowing to solve the case, while also fulfilling the wishes written in the blue journal.