Remains of the Banished | Aragorn || Lord of the Rings
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undefined أجزاء إكمال Eadrid was the daughter of Kings, and a Captain among men. Though she remained fierce, she was determined to be the leader that desired to serve her people and to help them, not stand over them. As sickness spread throughout the lands of Rohan, she was banished by order of the King, and was forced to start a new life in Middle Earth. After years of losing the respect for herself she once had as Captain of the Rohirrim, she found herself amongst a fellowship with a very long journey ahead of them. Until her future was to be revealed to her, she told herself that she deserved nothing good that came her way. But as her destiny was paved in front of her, she was forced to become the once great leader she had been, and fulfill her duty to the free men of Middle Earth.
Fellowship of the Ring--Return of the King
All characters and plot lines belong to Tolkien, I only own my OCs.