Hi Everyone! I'm Holly, and yes I am a MASSIVE directioner this is also my first Wattpad 'entry' so be nice! I do really enjoy writing and creating new worlds because gives me a chance to escape everyday problems, basically! But in this fanfic, if you can call it that, I portrait Harry as a moody sort of grungy character, not the cute little cupcake he is in real life! It starts of with him as fetus Harry and his journey through X Factor. And I won't give away to much, but he meets this girl, he becomes obsessed with her, and it takes over his life, there will be songs related to her (some obvious, some not so.) it's not your usual, boy meets girls, fall in love, gets married, have lots of babies, kind of story, it's more weird and kind of fucked up but I'm sure if you give it a chance you will love it, hopefully! Anyway sorry that was long, hope you have a flood time reading, tell your friends, whoop whoop!