In a world plagued by darkness and demonic threats, two Pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps find their paths intertwined by fate, duty, and the subtle whispers of the heart.
Tsukiyo Amano, the gentle yet determined Crystal Pillar, and Sanemi Shinazugawa, the fiery and fiercely protective Wind Pillar, embark on a journey of discovery, courage, and forbidden emotions.
As they navigate the complexities of their roles as warriors, allies, and perhaps something more, they must confront their pasts, face formidable enemies, and overcome their own inner thoughts to find strength, understanding, and love amidst the chaos and uncertainty of their shared destiny.
Dive into a tale of love, sacrifice, and redemption, where whispers become promises, embraces bring solace, and the bonds forged in battle transcend the boundaries of duty and destiny.
⚠︎︎KNY spoilers⚠︎︎
The Spirit Blossom Hashira
Such a kind and calm soul or so everyone thought.
After the loss of her mother her hatred for demons only started growing day by day.
She absolutely hates demons.
She seeks revenge, she seeks revenge for years now.
And then there he was, Shinazugawa Sanemi, the Wind Pillar..
He didn't know why he felt like that but he admired her a whole lot, more than anyone else. And everyone noticed how he acted around her, for he was in love.