"Genesis Between the Dollar and the Truth" unfolds in an unnamed big city during the late 1990s, a time when pay phones were still in use and CDs revolutionized music and movie consumption. The era also saw the prevalence of bootleg CD sellers and the rise of cell phones alongside traditional landline house phones. Despite the spread of crack and cocaine in poor communities, drug dealers continued to profit, adhering to street rules and regulations. This story mixes crime, love, and self-reflection, asking readers to think about their own paths to being true to themselves. With unexpected twists and a powerful message about genuine happiness, it's a story you won't forget." In "Genesis Between the Dollar and the Truth," Genesis appears to have everything: beauty, luxury, and a partner named Shice. However, Shice has a secret life that Genesis is unaware of, and his past adds to the inner confusion she'll face. Will she stick around for the money and luxury, or will she choose to save herself? Is true love on the horizon? This tale shows how crucial it is to make heartfelt choices when faced with life's obstacles. It encourages taking charge of your path by looking within for healing and growth. It also emphasizes the value of setting boundaries and nurturing relationships. The story explores how trauma affects the ability to build a healthy relationship. It emphasizes the importance of respect, honesty, over superficial or materialistic desires.