In the mystical realm of Astrea, where magical creatures and diverse races coexist, a group of twelve friends from our world finds themselves unexpectedly transported. Led by Soma Knightheart, the story unfolds as each of them discovers they have been transformed into various races and bestowed with remarkable magical abilities and physical prowess. United by their newfound gifts and a shared sense of purpose, they establish the Last Drop guild with the mission to explore Astrea, aid its inhabitants, and unravel the enigmatic secrets shrouding the realm.
As they embark on their quest, the members of Last Drop encounter daunting challenges and confront sinister forces threatening Astrea's peace. Amidst their adventures, they strive to comprehend the mystery behind their arrival in this fantastical world and the identity of those responsible. With each discovery, they inch closer to understanding their fate and the greater purpose that brought them to Astrea.
Through camaraderie, courage, and unwavering determination, the members of Last Drop navigate treacherous landscapes, forge alliances, and confront ancient evils lurking in the shadows. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and heroism, determined to protect Astrea and uncover the truth of their extraordinary destiny.
Y/N, a simple woman, joins the deadly games to pay off debts after her mother's death. Young-Il, a heartless soul, controls the games, watching everything from afar while sipping on his glass of whisky.
But this year is different. When he spots Y/N, number 160, during the game of "Red Light, Green Light," he can't help but grow more obsessed with her.
The first game ends, and Young-Il decides it's time to join the games himself, meet her, and make her his forever. Not that he will allow anyone else to even look at her
But will Y/N really trust him?