The story unfolds in a near-future world, where the remnants of human civilization cling to survival in the wake of a mysterious and rapid outbreak that has turned the majority of the population into mindless, flesh-hungry zombies. Cities are overrun with vegetation, reclaiming the streets, while barricades of rusted cars and makeshift fortifications outline the last strongholds of humanity. Nature thrives in the absence of humans, creating a stark contrast between the vibrant flora and the desolation left behind.
In a small town high school, a notorious group of troublemakers roamed the halls, pulling pranks and stirring chaos with their antics every day-switching teachers' lesson plans, hiding the gym equipment, and crafting elaborate schemes that left the faculty baffled. Yet, amidst their daily mischief, the unthinkable happened, a mysterious virus swept through the town, turning people into zombies one by one. As the undead surged toward the school, the troublemakers found themselves faced with the greatest challenge of their lives, thrust from playground pranks into a desperate fight for survival, forcing them to unite in ways they never imagined.
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This is an oc story.
There are ships (oc x oc)
Abuse (later in the story)
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