The three McDonough brothers---Connor,Riley, and Toby---had finally arrived in the Philippines. The arrival had been good, but, unfortunately, the supposed-to-be-chaperone of the band and the crew wasn't able to make it to the plane when they arrived. The band and the crew was about to go when Riley made his way to the comfort room. The simple plan of Riley to have a little getaway trip to Starbucks alone became an unexpected rollercoaster of experiences with the band's and crew's chaperone that turned into Riley's personal chap, Jeffany. Everything was unintended, not until they made certain decisions for themselves. Decisions that will hold each of their futures and the future of other fans. Author's note: The book is entirely fictious with a touch of reality that happened here in the Philippines during the Dangerous tour. All unfamiliar happenings are meant to make the story creative, and the accuracy of every detail is unreliable. Enjoy.