The State of Mind Series Z is a story that follows Zeek, a young gamer, and his friend Zarc (also known as Yuya Sakaki) as they search for Zeek's missing parents. The story explores their journey, the obstacles they face, and the secrets they uncover. They also face challenges in their relationship with other characters, including their feelings for Amila, who has a crush on Zeek. Ultimately, the story is about Zeek and Zarc's friendship and their quest to find Zeek's parents.
State of mind series Z stand for Zeek and zarc
Genre : The story also includes elements of game fiction, duel fiction, epic fiction, romance, action, adventure, fiction.
Adopted by Yu Gi oh series
Successor: state of mind Gamer Greek
(Y/N) (L/N) is a normal high school student who lives in Karakura Town with his sister and father. (Y/N) had the innate ability to see spirits since birth like his best friend Ichigo. Everything was normal until (Y/N) was attacked by a Hollow and was saved by a abnormal shopkeeper who teaches (Y/N) how to fight Hollows with the powers of a Shinigami.
I do not own Bleach, it's characters or any images used in these chapters.
Arcs Currently Completed.
Substitute Shinigami Arc: Complete
Soul Society Arc: Complete
Arrancar Arc: Complete
Fullbring Arc: Complete
Spirits are Forever with you: Complete
Thousand year Blood War: Currently in Progress.