Jake Sim, a carefree and independent young man, lived a life that revolved around pleasure and momentary connections. As the heir to Sim's Ships, a renowned shipping company in the bustling city of Brisbane, he had the luxury to indulge in his desires. Jake firmly believed that life was a series of random encounters devoid of any predetermined fate. Heeseung Lee, a diligent and hardworking emigrated sailor, had recently joined Sim's Ships as a second officer. Heeseung had left his home country in search of new opportunities and was determined to make a name for himself in the maritime industry. He possessed a reserved nature and rarely allowed distractions to sway him from his goals. On a bright sunny day, Jake and his father, Mr. Sim, sat near the shipyard, engaging in casual conversation. Suddenly, Heeseung appeared, catching Jake's attention. Jake found himself instantly drawn to Heeseung's rugged charm and magnetic presence.
28 parts