(Original idea, just slightly inspired by My Hero Academia and the Shapeshifter books. I'm gonna try updating when I can, but that might not be the easiest, since I get distracted and thrown off easily. I'll try posting atleast one chapter every Sunday.)
When German Nuclear powerplant Rechnung exploded, German was in anarchy. The government fell, people were dropping like flies, and disease eventually started spreading. The explosion didn't kill people, though, it started something worse, and eventually, the simple explosion brought the entire world down. And it wasn't short lived.
How long did it take for everything to be pulled back together? Oh, only quite a few years, at least, but in that time, millions had died, maybe even a couple billion. At least it solved the problem of overpopulation, I guess.
Even then, the world was never the same, and it wouldn't have been pulled together if it hadn't been for a select few average citizens and a fox. Yeah, it's crazy, isn't it, a fox helped save the world, but after the explosion, that just kinda became the norm. Besides, they weren't completely fox. Anymore.
نشا في شوارع وحيد بين الطراقات لا ام تحن عليه و لاب يخاف عليه و لاعائله ك باقي الاطفال مختلف بكثير من النواحي عن من بعمره صامت اوه و كم أن الصمت له دور كبير بحياته يسمعهم و يسمع همساتهم لكن هل يستطيع الرد عليهم لا كان الصمت يجعله هادئ
سكن مع عائله أبيه على أنه خادم اي بستماي و يعمل اعمل كهذه كي يبقى بمكان يؤيه في المنزل الكبير جديه و أعمامه
أما أبيه فهو سيعود إلى منزل عائلته بعد سنين و سيكون هذا اول لقاء له مع أبيه الذي سمع عنه و رآه فقط من خلف شاشه التلفاز
لنرى لقائهما و كيف سيكون