In a world set hundreds of years after the current day, humanity has greatly progressed technologically, physically, and mentally. However, after an apocalyptic event over a thousand years ago, humanity was forced to evolve through the harsh conditions, leading to humanity developing elemental supernatural abilities. Of course, as humans do, they took advantage of these supernatural capabilities to the greatest extents, which naturally meant that some of these ways to take advantage of them was not the most humane. This novel follows the story of Arashi Minami, a young, talented Japanese man subjected to one of these inhumane ways of exploiting supernatural powers. And as such, he yearns for freedom, and centers his ideology around it.
1. I am NOT from Japan, despite the novel having its setting in it. The reason for this is because my country is not a good setting for this story, and Japan was chosen because I know more about its culture and geography than any other country. However, there still may be some cultural mistakes, in which I am sorry if I do happen to mistake it.
2. This is my FIRST time writing a story this long, so I am still inexperienced in some narrative/literary devices in terms of writing. I will try my best to make it as easy to read as possible, and as I continue to write I will get better. So, the first parts of the novel may be a bit hard to read, or even may be mediocre, but please be patient!
3. ANY constructive criticism is welcomed. I recognize that my writing skills are not perfect, so I don't mind anyone giving me advice to improve my writing. I will try my best to accommodate it.
4. For those wondering about my previous fan fiction works, I have abandoned it completely. I'm sorry that this was the notice, but I have completely lost motivation for that story; after the Love is War manga finished, I see no need to continue the fanfiction (unless it gains massively in popularity).
Most of all, enjoy reading!
Izuku Midoriya, aspiring hero with a big secret. In a world full of quirks and werewolves, mates are a huge deal. However, Izuku is forced to watch not one, but two of his mates live without him. He hides who he really is to them, even though it kills him.
This fanfic is an werewolf au where Deku is an omega, shoto and bakugou are alphas. There is also a bit of insane and depressed Deku. It may stray from the anime by a whole lot, but it's a fanfic, so no one really cares. Also, I suck at descriptions so just give the book a go please.
Spelling of names may be off, I apologize in advance
also I do not own my hero academia nor the characters in it or the songs/ most photos used