In his sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Severus Tobias Snape finds himself dreading the year ahead. His best friend, Lily Evans, has been dragged home against her will, due to the recent uprise of Death-Eater attacks on schools in Muggle Britain. Now, Severus must face this new school year on his own, or find comfort in another.
One night alone in the woods, Severus finds company in a mysterious stag. The two share more than Severus could ever fathom, and quickly become close. In this stag he confides his deepest secrets, his every thought and suspicion.
Who is this stag? Will Severus ever find out? If he does, what will become of their friendship? If friendship is what Severus is looking for, will he ever find more?
Read more to find out!
All rights reserved for J.K Rowling. I do not own the images used in this fic (apologies, that's just my Pinterest addiction) and I do not claim any of the characters used either.
This story is mainly James X Severus (Jeverus), though some chapters may be dedicated to other ships.
I will be releasing chapters bit by bit as I edit them, in total there will be 26 parts.
While the tired Avengers celebrated with a nice kabob, Loki breaks free from his prison transport, without harming anyone. Thor must decide what to do when they find him.