On a planet known as Cybertronians, beings known as Cybertronians, Intelligent robots that could think and feel inhabited the cities. Split into two factions, the Autobots and the Decepticons. And a war between the forces of Good and Evil raged across Cybertron, devastating all in its path, draining the Planet's once-rich sources of energy.
Millions of years later, this battle has made its way to the planet, Earth. Where Autobots now protect the species known as Humans from Decepticon tyranny and brutality. The Autobots and the Decepticons have been on the planet known as Earth for nearly 56 years. The fight between them is still going strong, but with some differences. Cybertron was reclaimed by the Autobots and Transformers of both factions now have jobs when not fighting fierce battles.
During a battle for the Space Bridge, Megatron clashes with the Darkspark against Optimus Prime's Matrix of Leadership, the opposing artifacts destroy the other, using the knowledge and history of both artifacts creating new matrices.
And the Forge Matrix, born from the knowledge and memories of Solus Prime ends up in the hands of Chip, a handicapped boy with a genius brain and a love of all things mechanical, he's been enamored by the Transformers since they arrived on Earth. While the 21st century has seen great advances in technology due to the Transformers, there has also been a rise in criminals using robots and incidents involving bio-monsters, as well as other previously unheard-of disasters. So Chip, using the Forge Matrix, sets out to create the Braves, a group of Transformers born on Earth who fight for Earth's safety while the Autobots and Decepticons fight between each other.
In war, nobody really wins.
The true objective is to lose less people and of what you are fighting for than your opponent. And the natives of Cybertron learned this the hard way. After centuries of civil war between the Autobots and Decepticons, the remaining survivors of each side have regrouped on Earth to turn the tide against each other on this new world.
But not all Cybertronians pick a side.
For (C/n), he serves only himself. After losing his vision and loyalty to the Decepticons, he now sets out to find a new reason to live as he unwittingly crashes on earth.
Will he remain in his mercenary ways after getting dragged into the war again? Or will the Autobots give him something he never really had in the Decepticons: a choice?