In the quaint town of Stars Hollow, where coffee flows as freely as conversation, lives Rory Gilmore, known for her wit, intellect, and dreams of attending Harvard. But tucked away in the pages of this story is a secret - Rory has a twin sister, Genevieve Lorelai Gilmore, whose passion lies not in journalism, but in chemistry.
Navigating the bustling halls of Chilton Preparatory Academy alongside her sister, she harbors a different ambition: to pursue a career in pharmacy. While Rory immerses herself in literature and journalism, Genevieve loses herself in the world of molecules and compounds.
However, her dream comes with a cost; a cost much bigger than one could think.
it was a bad idea, to think i could stop
IVY GILMORE was exactly like her mother. She was a young party girl with a sense of humor and a grudge against the world. She picked up many habits from her, including making clothes, and a tendency to flirt with hot guys. So, when Ivy is awarded a once in a lifetime internship in New York, she knew she had to take it.
The summer of 2001 was magical to Ivy. She was surrounded by fashion greats, city lights, and a new summer fling. But when she returns to Stars Hollow for her junior year, the last thing she expects to see is her fling from New York living at the local coffee shop.
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