In a world of demons and curses, humans are constantly threatened by dark forces. Demon hunters, known as "Exorcists", are responsible for protecting humanity from these supernatural dangers. Among them is our hero, Kazuki, a talented but lonely young exorcist, haunted by a heavy past. One day, during a perilous mission, Kazuki meets Akane, an eccentric and impulsive exorcist, with a powerful curse that gives her surprising powers. Despite their differences, the two young exorcists find themselves bound by fate and decide to form a team to confront the threats that loom over the world. Together, Kazuki and Akane face a demonic conspiracy that seeks to destroy humanity by releasing an ultimate demon, known as the "King of the Abyss." Their quest will lead them to confront formidable enemies, forge unexpected alliances and reveal secrets buried for centuries.
3 parts