In a world where gods and demi-gods walk among mortals, Sonic and his friends find themselves entangled in a web of forgotten memories, hidden powers, and ancient rivalries. Sage, a mysterious rouge cat with fragmented memories, is drawn to Sonic, the son of Jules, the god of Balance. As they uncover their pasts, Join Sonic and his allies as they battle against time, uncover hidden truths, and face the ultimate showdown in the world of Mobius. Will they be able to restore balance and peace, or will chaos reign supreme?
In the view point of Oc- Sage Calloway, sometimes Sonic, and other characters
★⎯⎯ Sonic would always hang out with his "Best friend" Shadow as he likes to put it, But Shadow on the other hand just thought of Sonic as his rival. Sonic had always been helping Shadow out and annoying him at the same time, while Shadow would usually get ticked off by the other's annoyingness but deep down he liked it and appreciated the blue hedgehog for caring for him but he never showed it. One day shadow was invited to one of sonics parties and someone told him that there was something for him on the back, what is it? and will shadow go to the party?. ⎯⎯
• No lemons!
• Slow updates
• Art + sonic characters isn't mine ^^
• 🏆 • Ranked #3 in 𝟏𝐬𝐭𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 ( 1-24-23 )
• 🏆 • Ranked #63 in 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 ( 1-27-23 )
• 🏆 • Ranked #1 in teamsonic ( 1-27-23 )