4 parts Ongoing MatureIn a world where the Dragon Ball universe and the DC Comics universe merge into one, a Superman for a new age struggles to be the hero Earth needs when mankind still remembers the crimes of his predecessor and his Regime. This Saiyan Kryptonian hybrid adjusts to two worlds he walked separately becoming one faster than he can fathom and as he does, new adventures and deadly villains both loom on the horizon.
All art and illustrations drawn by me.
Dragon Ball © Akira Toriyama
DC Comics © DC Comics & Warner Bros. Entertainment.
This is a work of fanfiction. I do not own Dragon Ball, DC Comics, or any of their characters. Dragon Ball is the property of Akira Toriyama, Toei Animation, Bird Studio, and Shueisha. DC Comics is the property of DC Comics and Warner Bros. Entertainment. The original character, Sparga, is created and owned by me. This work is non-commercial and made for entertainment purposes only