Cara Lane is a shy teenager who never had friends. When she moves to Domino City with her father, Simon Lane, as the new detective, she encounters Yugi and his friends who are welcoming and friendly. She was especially drawn to Yugi when she had trouble fitting in her new school life. Before she was able to settle in, she also encountered a strange egyptian man who gave her Millenium item known as the Millenium Bracelet, claiming she was destined for it. Unsure of it, Cara has yet to discover what the bracelet holds for her future as she and her new friends venture into an adventure of a lifetime.
Anastasia Starline- head of Starline Enterprises is a developing company that specialises in nano- technology.
After a friendly request from Seto Kaiba she is invited to Domino City to help with the preparation and execution of the Battle City Tournament- but she's getting far more than she signed for on the contract.
And when she meets Yami, Yugi and his friends- well things get even more complicated, especially when she is told that she could also have a part in Yami's ancient past...a Princess? Really? Maybe now she would be able to find out the secret behind her locket.
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