In a magical world at Hogwarts, Athena Sinclair, her mind a constant whirlwind of thoughts, an orphan with a burning curiosity about her heritage, navigates the corridors of the school with her sharp wit, empathy, and undeniable wealth. Her nights are filled with a longing for the quiet serenity, the whispers of the wind, and the dance of stars above.
Athena's exceptional magical prowess, far beyond her years, hints at a mysterious lineage. Her path intertwines with that of Professor Remus Lupin, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Despite his aversion to the moon and her adoration of the stars, they find a unique connection rooted in understanding and shared pride.
Will this very pride help unravel the mysteries that bind them, or will it stand as an insurmountable barrier?
Will the stars align for Athena and Professor Lupin, or will the shadows of their pasts and their pride cast a darker spell over their future?
Golden Trio Era
Professor X Student (ish)
Entering her fifth year at Hogwarts, Abigail has more on her plate than ever before. Between the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who hates werewolves (much like that of her father) and the impending return of Voldemort, she begins to crumble under pressure. Her skillset, although valuable, comes at a major toll both physically and emotionally and she's not sure she can handle it.
Takes place during Order of the Phoenix. I do not claim any ownership toward the Wizarding World only my own characters and plot.
book three of the Abigail Lupin series
[harry potter x female oc]
[golden trio era]