If you have read Socrates' defence for his trial (Apology) you definitely know that he was persecuted and sentenced to death for not believing in the greek gods. But reading his discourse, he does seem to believe in a god. This raises the question of what god did he belive in (since he was persecuted due to the fact he did not believe in the greek ones). So if not the greek ones, which ones? Or one? This essay, although worked upon after reading multiple Socratic dialogues like Apology, Euthyphro, Crito, Phaedo, Protagoras; mainly draws from Apology and Euthyphro, to unravel his view on diving beings. Thus, I am aiming to argue, that Socrates did believe in the gods of the city as relatively supreme beings to humans, but he never considered them as God (uppercase g), where the capital G denotes the absolute.