In a bustling city, there lived a talented Education student named Josiah. Despite her dreams of becoming a professional, Aya was burdened with the responsibility of supporting herself. She worked tirelessly at a local café while attending classes during the day.
Meanwhile, a brilliant IT student named Shoji, known for his technological prowess, and dancing skills received an invitation to attend the called concert. Although he was skilled with computers, Shoji yearned for something more meaningful in his life.
And when fate intervened Josiah and Shoji's world in the most unexpected way, both of them found piece in each others company.
However, Aya had to leave abruptly, fearing the consequences of breaking her curfew. In her haste, she dropped her precious necklace, the only clue to her identity aside from her name. Shoji, captivated by Aya's spirit, became determined to find her and meet her again.
Note: This story isn't yet edited so bare with the grammaratical errors and typos for a while💛🌻