Rui, a 20-year-old orphan living with his roommate Nene, was fired for his eccentric behavior due to numerous complaints from customers. As a result, his roommate, Nene, had been covering both their expenses for weeks but had finally reached a breaking point. Desperate for cash, Rui ventures into the dark web in search of job opportunities. There, he stumbles across an ad that demands he abduct an average looking man, which piques his interest.
Rui knew it posed a moral conflict, yet he needed to do this. To support both Nene and himself financially. However, little did he know he was unaware of the chaos he was about to unleash.
"Rui, get the fuck up, you're going to be late for your job interview!" A female voice yelled, breaking the peaceful moment as he heard a harsh knock outside his bedroom door.
... Well, it was more like banging than knocking.
Wait a second, job interview?
The girl's words seemed to process in his head before he quickly realized the meaning of the sentence.