All ten tribes on Mysteria are in danger, due to the tyrannical Queen Midnight of the SwanWings, who happens to have animus magic, as well as her daughter, Princess Lilac Luna. When twelve year old Princess Nightfall of the GlitterWings, along with some of her sisters, gets captured by SwanWings, she realizes that she has to battle up and protect her younger sisters from whatever dangers lie ahead. In a frenzy of prison escapes and humorous events, Nightfall meets dragons that may be able to help them defeat the queen. Until they come to the palace, can Nightfall really do what it takes to keep herself and her sisters safe until the queen is stopped? Read Wings of Fire: The Swan Queen to find out!!
Ps. I just wanted everyone to know that this will be a series of books. After this book, I will be writing many more after that. I hope you enjoy my book!! Happy reading, everyone!! 😜
Pss. I also want to put most of my credits towards Tui T. Sutherland, who inspired me to start writing this series. I did, however, create the characters and the Mysterian tribes on my own, but I would love give off most of the credits to our wonderful author of Wings of Fire! Thank you, Tui!! 😍