This is a modern day universe of Maverick "Freddy" Travis Athan and his family. This takes place in the 1950s with a bear who is adopted by Bonnie Bunnington from Brooklyn, NY and Chica Bonita Bunnington from Spain, and with a little brother Foxy. Wolfstep the elder brother of his family, Toy Freddy his twin brother, and six months old Goldie. With Freddy he stops at nothing when it comes to threats, they can take care of Overlords from Louisiana, New Orleans, such as; The Jack-o'-lantern gang, the matador of Spain, and other weird entities. Come join this group and family that they have an amazing ride of mishaps, trouble causing, havoc, and dealing with monsters!
With a new name and new life, Nathan must learn to fit in at an Academy of the Feral Investigation Bureau, or risk being sent back to prison.
Escaping prison was only the beginning for inmate C41. Now on the run and going by Nathan, he's enrolled in an American Academy for training agents and joins the Feral Investigation Bureau, charged with hunting down criminals and sending them to the same place he just escaped. But after learning how blurred the distinction is between feral and non-feral, Nathan is forced to flee with his sister and his boyfriend, only to discover their safe house hides a secret that might cost Nathan his freedom.
Content and/or Trigger Warning: sex and violence. [Note: failed suicide attempt]
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