Being cozy, with the only shine in the room being a night lamp and right outside your window hearing the sky's tears drop as you stare at the ceiling. Well, this could lead to perhaps two alternate routes: 1.Falling into the depths of sleep and end up having the best nap as the cold in the room serves as your blanket. 2. Diving into the ocean of thoughts and feelings that you so hardly try to avoid and having no choice but to merge with your subconscious to face them. In the end, you might just end up facing that harsh reality that demands you to wake up and look at it right in the eye. The process of going through the process of finding yourself and accepting such facts after you swallowed the pill of denying, may lead you on to a breakdown. After all, the feeling of the ocean's water filling your throat every time you speak isn't exactly pleasant...In this case, I'll be writing in letters what I can't say with words. Who knows? You who finds this and wastes time by giving it attention, may just find the way you feel about things you couldn't find the right words for. Here you'll find not only such, but a soup made out of metaphors with the spice of pure feelings poured out into it. Perhaps the author it's talking about themselves, perhaps the author wants to reach into the heart of you, the reader. Who knows...All Rights Reserved