Hana Hoshiko; a newly registered spirit, that resided within the neighboring world since the beginning of her birth, suddenly wakes from her slumber and appears abruptly in Tengu City. By a test of fate, she unknowingly makes a fateful encounter with an unusual highschool boy named Shido Itsuka that will forever change her life. Will she end up finding peace thanks to Shido and live a normal life or will the true nature of her being bring about disaster? --- Friendly Disclaimers --- - This story takes place after Shido meets Tohka and Yoshino. - This is my first story so it is most likely to be imperfect. - I am writing this story for my own fruition, so there may be some things I might choose not research/confirm from the anime, such as correctly spelled names, but I will try to be as accurate as possible. - I am currently rewatching the anime, so you can expect the story to continue similarly to the anime's, or at least I want it to turn out that way. - Please don't hate on me as I am very new to Wattpad and story writing as a whole; however, I am open to any advice even if it is brutally honest. - I am very prone to grammar mistakes and misinterpreting words, so please bare with me. - I hope you enjoy : )Public Domain