Born on Tatooine with his brother Anakin as a slave. When Qui-Gon-Jinn comes looking for parts for the ship to get back to Coruscant, he finds two slave boys that are strong with the force. Instead of just taking Anakin he will take Y/N and Shmi as well. Things will be a little different than what happened in cannon or out of order. Gungi will be Ashoka's age in this story. All rights belong to the starwars franchise. Stories best rankings: shmiskywalker- 3 shmi- 1 padme- 5 macewindu- 4 skywalker- 121 ashoka- 10 anakin- 97 anakinskywalker- 134 obiwankenobi- 152 jedi- 338 padawan- 30 starwars- 879 yoda- 83 sith- 171All Rights Reserved