"3 2 1...FIGHT"the referee shouted,both of the fighters threw punches at each other.The crowd cheered for how good the fight is,Benjo got hit,Chad got hit.They just kept on throwing punches rather than the other previous fight they made me to watch,just wrestling and pinning and it's boring.Chad got knocked out to ground and got up again,then Benjo got knock out to the ground and got up again.Me and Mark watched in silence.A few minutes later,both of the fighters ran out of breath and just stood away from each other few meters away taking some air.The crowd grew silent,I look at Mark."Damn that was badass""Yeaaahh I agre-""WHAT IS THAT"someone shouted while Mark is talking.I look at the fighters,i see some yellow aura and some yellow particles around both of them,the crowd are in amazement,I take a closer look,head to toe and saw a two lion beside each of the fighters.Wait,a lion?when did it get there?
17 parts